Monday, May 16, 2016

How to stay calm while traveling

Have you ever experienced travel rage?  When everything and everyone is driving you crazy and you can't see straight?  Here's a few tips that may help smooth out the rough edges.

Most of us are really good at packing and planning a trip, but we don't stop to think what we may need to keep us happy while we're away from home.  I suggest to write a list of when you're happiest.  What does that feel like?  What are those creature comforts that you just can't live without?

For me, it's the following areas that I know are important that I'm thinking of before I set off on any trip:

1.)  Packing - did I remember to pack light?  I try to keep everything to a carry on.  So, if I get to the airport and the lines are really long, I can go straight to security and bypass the check in lines.  

If I overpack, it's usually because I didn't give myself enough time to plan and edit my suitcase.  A sure fire way for me to start any trip off on the wrong foot, is poor planning. 

Another reason to stick with a carry on suitcase is that I can manage it myself.  No one will need to help me with the suitcase, I can easily move from city to city without hurting my neck or back.

2.)  Food - I always pack healthy snacks.  Period!  Not having healthy food to eat on long flights, unexpected delays, or low energy moments can make me get irritated and quick to start an argument.  Not a good thing when you want to have fun and avoid unnecessary stress with your travel companions.  

3.)  Stay hydrated - I also travel with an empty smart water bottle.  Easy to fill once I get through security and this water will last me - even on an international flight.

4.)  Sleep - know how much sleep you need and plan your flights accordingly.  I take the evening flights to Europe.  I know that once I get on the plane, I'll be able to sleep a good 5 - 6 hours.  When I arrive in Europe in the early morning hours, I'm ready to see the city and enjoy my vacation.  Others who didn't sleep on the flight are exhausted and stuck in a hotel lobby until check in that afternoon.  

Another thing that I do while traveling is to allow time to go back to the hotel to rest my feet and take a nap. It's not a race to see everything in one day.  Vacation is time for a little R&R too.  Make sure that you rest during the day.  Allow yourself time to regroup and continue that evening with dinner plans, walking to see the city at night or catching a play or musical. 

5.)  Lastly, know your trigger points.  Know what sets you off and do your best to try to prevent these issues.  Travel can test even the most calm people since there are so many factors outside of your control.  

Happy Traveling!!

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