Tuesday, May 17, 2016

6 travel mistakes that I try to avoid!

I'm able to share this list, because I've made these mistakes over and over again!  Let me share a few tips that can make traveling easy and fun.  Yes, fun! Isn't that the point?

1.)  Always pack a bathing suit:  You just never know when you'll want it and it's the one item that's difficult for women to buy in a rush.  I can't tell you how many hotels I've been in and been surprised that they either have a sauna, jacuzzi or steam room and I didn't think to pack a bathing suit.  Nothing better than soaking your tired, achy feet after a long day of sightseeing.

2.)  Bring an empty water bottle:  Once you get through security, have Starbucks fill it up with filtered water.  If you ask, they cannot turn you down.  Also, most large airports offer filtered water fountains set up to refill bottled water containers.  Take advantage of it!  Not only will you drink it on a long flight, but you will have it for your first night in the hotel.

3.)  Be prepared for cold weather:  Just because you're going to a hot place, it may get cold.  I've been in Arizona before when the night was so cold, I had to run out and buy a sweater from Old Navy.   Pack layers of clothing, so you're prepared if it's unseasonably cold or hot.

4.)  Check the weather the night before you go: Weather changes all the time.  If you have the space in your carry on bag, bring a small umbrella.

5.)  Don't forget to pack an extra copy of your itinerary:  Have you ever seen a flight attendant tear your ticket in half?  I have!  What if that's your only copy?  What do you do on the flight home and you need that ticket number?  Print an extra copy and place it in your suitcase - just in case you need it.

6.)  Don't pack your car keys:  Always keep your car keys on you.  Have you ever put your car keys in your suitcase, only to find out that your luggage was delayed or went to the wrong city?  What do you do then?  

Just a few ideas that can make your vacation so much better and worry free.

Happy Traveling!

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