Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cafe life

One of my favorite things to do in Paris is to veer away from my itinerary once and awhile and stop at a cafe. I usually do this LATE (2 PM) in the afternoon before the cafes close for dinner preparation.

You can virtually find a good cafe on every street corner, but I do recommend asking your concierge where the business people/employees eat during their lunch break.  Not only will the food be good, it will most likely be affordable.

I've tried cafes in all of the popular arrondissements, but I prefer the ones on the Left Bank.  There's something different about them.  You can tell that locals will stop and enjoy a quick bite to eat, meaning it's not all tourists.  Try to use the little bit of French that you know.  It will make a difference.  And don't complain that you're hot or cold or you'll be seated in the back of the restaurant with the other Americans.  You want to be near the front of the restaurant to take a moment to experience the hustle and bustle of the city.  To see how the tourists appear to people sitting and enjoying a cold glass of Rose.  It may help you learn how to NOT be a target.

  Try to eat something new.  Don't ask for the items you eat at home, they will never taste the same and you're sure to be disappointed.  Eat what's on the daily special or look at the table next to you and order "what they are having".

Happy Traveling! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Champ Elysees & Arc de Triomphe

The first thing that most tourists want to see when they arrive in Paris is the Eiffel Tower.  What's the second?  Usually it's the Arc de Triomphe which is located on the Champ Elysees (fields).  What is the Champ Elysees?  It's the main street or avenue that several major monuments are located on.

It's an extremely busy street filled with shops, restaurants and places to stop and rest your feet. My suggestion is to take the Metro stop closest to the Arc de Triomphe and then walk back to the Louvre.

The Arc is a popular monument to see before you continue your walking tour, but it can be busy depending on the time of day you visit it.

At night, it's especially pretty is you can take a cab and drive by it.  On the back side of the Arc is a tribute to the unknown soldier and the fire is lit at all times.  You can see it much better at night.

From farther away, you can get an idea of how large it is.  Napoleon had it constructed as the Roman's did as a tribute to his Army and their many battles. During the day, the street will be filled with shoppers.  You can find all the major designers/stores on this street; Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Sephora, H&M, etc.  Be mindful of your wallet.  Expect crowds of people and with crowds will be pickpockets.

During the Summer, the World Cup can bring hundreds to thousands of eager fans pouring into the street to celebrate a win by the French team.  The Police will shut the street down while the locals and tourists fill the street to celebrate.

Happy Traveling!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Louvre & surrounding garden

Instead of walking the street of Rue de Rivoli, may I suggest you stroll through the garden (Jardin des Tuileries)?  If I'm traveling to Paris for shopping, I enjoy staying on the Right Bank near the shopping areas.  The hotels are pricy, but a convenient walk to the stores.

I've learned to NOT walk down the street of Rue de Rivoli as it can be a tourist nightmare with pickpockets, beggars and aggressive store merchants.

Instead, I prefer to cross the street and walk through the garden called Jardin (garden) de Tuileries.  You'll be walking on pea gravel, so you may get a little dusty.  Just warning you!

The views of the Louvre, Arc de Triumph and surrounding area is SO pretty.  In the morning, locals & tourists will walk/jog through the garden.  The ducks will be playing the in the ponds and the morning workers will be setting up the cafe's for business.  You will get a mix of smells between fresh flowers and coffee (espresso) brewing in the distance.  So french, right?

By the time you walk to the Louvre, you'll be ready & excited to start your journey of exploring the 16 miles of museum that awaits you.  Though I'm including a photo of the outside line, please use this as a warning.  

I suggest you purchase the Museum Pass so you can use the quick access line.  It's called the mall access point or Porte des Lions (Lion statue).  Trust me!  There won't be a line.  It will look like a special/private access point saying for groups only or pre-purchased passes (this is for you!)  The Museum Pass is a pre-purchased ticket and will get you in.  

Most tourists will miss this entry point and stand in the pyramid line for hours ONLY to find out that they waisted valuable travel/vacation time.

Happy Traveling!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Need a little pampering while in Paris?

I'm always surprised that Paris doesn't have more Spas.  They have more Spa options in Las Vegas than they do in Paris and most of the high end beauty products are made in France.  Go figure?  

I continue to search the Internet for options, but usually run across Dior Institute and that's about it. During my last trip, my hotel concierge recommended that I drop by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on St. Honore.  

  It's located on a very busy shopping street of St. Honore.  High end shopping!  Around the corner is The Ritz Hotel, so that gives you an idea of the money required to shop & stay in this area.  Not to mention that I got a picture of some Sheiks the security guards were making sure that no one got near.

Once we walked into the hotel, we were surprised to see all the plants and water features.  We were instantly transported to a calm, relaxing and tranquil space.

   As soon as we walked into the lobby of the hotel a concierge was quick to greet us.  "How can I be of service today?"  I explained that our hotel had recommended their Spa.  He smiled and whisked us to set of elevators and before we knew it, we were in the basement.

  The smell of gardenia filled the air and when we stepped off the elevator a gong alerted the staff that we had arrived.  We turned to thank the concierge, but he was gone.

The Spa staff invited us in and quickly brought us each a warm towel and cup of hot Jasmine tea.  I didn't know that I wanted tea, but how good it tasted and the hot towel to clean our hands was a nice touch. The warm towel smelled of Lavender...absolutely heavenly.  We had found our Spa!  

We made appointments for the next day and have an amazing time.  I highly recommend this location if you're in Paris and needing a little TLC.

Happy Traveling!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mall shopping in Paris

Before you roll your eyes at me, there are department stores in Paris.  While it's not the "American Mall", they do have very large department stores or complexes.  The two big ones; "Printemps" and "Galleries de Lafayette" have separate buildings for womens, mens and households goods or beauty.  Galleries de Lafayette takes the entire four corners of a major street.

How can you find these department stores?  They make it easy and convenient by being located within blocks of each other.  You can access them both from the Metro stop Havre-Caumartin.

The stores are located on the busy street - Boulevard Haussmann.  If you haven't heard of General Haussmann, you may want to be familiar with him before your trip to Paris.  The streets were designed by the General to allow tanks to maneuver and have better access during the war.

Back to shopping.....

Printemps is known for their gorgeous stain glass ceiling.  It's a must see.  So pretty!!!  One small fact for the women out there, if you go to the women's restroom on the top floor, there is a beautiful view of the city from the windows in the women's restroom.

Galleries de Lafayette is my favorite between the two.  Mainly because I've had the best experiences there and the selection of designer shoes is second to none. The red signs that you see hanging from the ceilings are advertising the French sale or Soldes.  If you haven't heard of the French sales, you NEED to read my blog on it.

Both department stores will have a robust area for souvenirs.  No need to buy junk from the street vendors.  Not only will you get a better selection, you can also take advantage of the VAT tax (refunds).

Happy Traveling!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Notre Dame - Ile De La Cite

When traveling to Paris, you will hear a lot about the Left Bank or Right Bank, but what's in the middle?  This oldest part of Paris called Ile De La Cite.  It's a tiny island in the middle and connects the Right and Left Banks.

On the Ile De La Cite is Notre Dame, along with really expensive restaurants.  I highly suggest waiting to eat once you get back to a regular neighborhood.  Everything is marked up near Notre Dame; food, souvenirs, and maps.  The shops have a good thing being that close to Notre Dame and they know it!

Depending on the time of year, there may be a long wait to get into church.  Be prepared to wait, but be mindful of your surroundings.  Don't fall prey to pickpockets.

I suggest getting the Museum pass.  Not only will you get access to more Museums that you can see in one trip, you will also have access to take the steps up (387) to the cross walk between towers.  It's not for the faint at heart or weary traveler, so do this early in the day.

Once inside the church the stained glass windows are breathtaking.  There may be a service going on, if there is, you'll want to be respectful of the parishioners.  This is a functioning church (meaning - it's not just for tourists).  You may be limited to which areas you can see and take photos of.

My favorite thing to see in the church is the statue of Joan of Arc.  What an amazing story of a passionate and determined female leader in a time and place where female leaders were not encouraged or recognized by the world.

After you've had an opportunity to see the inside of the church, wonder around the back to see the famous flying buttresses.  There's a quaint park behind the church where locals play Bocce ball and rest for a moment before they continue their morning walk.

Happy Traveling!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Le Tour Eiffel

Do you ever wonder why so many photos of Paris include a picture of the Eiffel Tower?  I know I did until I visited there for the first time.  Now I find myself continuing to take photos every time I visit the beautiful city.

I know the tower hasn't changed, but somehow it looks different depending on the time of day that I visit or the way I approach it (which street access point).

It really is amazing and should be visited up close.  The first time I went to Paris, I did everything wrong.  I listened to other tourists and their scary story of being pick pocketed or harassed when approaching different tourist spots.  So, I didn't go.  I just took a picture from far away.

The next time I went, I was smarter about things.  I didn't approach sites by speaking English and pointing at everything.  I tried to dress like a local and remain calm when approaching different locations.  I tried to blend with other tourists and not bring attention to myself.  You just have to be smart.  We wouldn't walk around New York trying to bring attention to ourselves, so why do we do this in Paris? Just something to be mindful of.

Once you get to the Eiffel Tower, you will be amazed how beautiful it is.  Though it's steel, they still designed it to be somehow feminine.  

You can take the stairs or wait for the elevator.  For me the view from the ground works (too afraid of heights).  
Still, it's an incredible thing to see and experience in person day or night.

              Happy Traveling!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Dinner cruise on the Seine River

Is there anything more beautiful than walking the streets of Paris during the day?  There is!  Taking a dinner cruise on the Seine River at night.

I've taken the typical cruise that starts at the Eiffel Tower and turns around at Notre Dame many times and it's fine.  It gives you a quick, very quick, glance of the city from the water.

If you want to rest your weary and tired feet after a day of walking, I suggest taking a dinner cruise at sundown.  The cruise line that I like best is Bateaux Parisien.  Why?  Because we've always had a great experience.  They start and end on time.  They understand that locals DO NOT do this cruise, only tourists and they treat their tourists well.

The food is good, wine even better and the views are beautiful.

The boat will depart from the docks near the Eiffel Tower.  Be careful to get on the correct boat as there are several to choose from.

This cruise line requires men to wear jackets and ties, but it seems to be optional when you arrive.  Seems only my husband follows the rules.  Men can wear a nice dress shirt and slacks and fit in just fine.

The boat will cruise for about an hour.  Enough time to really enjoy a 3 course meal.  Here's a copy of the route.

Once the sun goes down, you've had a glass of wonderful red wine and eaten some yummy food, you'll be ready to take some photos.  You can't take a bad photo.  You're literally floating by all the famous buildings and points of interest that you spent all day sight seeing.  It looks so different at night.  It really is a different city in the evening.

When you disembark, you'll be at the Eiffel Tower ready to take that once in a lifetime photo with the tower all lit up.  So beautiful!!

Until next time Paris!

Happy Traveling!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ready for a Summer get a way?

This Summer, I'm looking to get away from the desert heat and travel to Europe.  Where should I go?  Not sure, but a perfect starting point is always in Paris.

For me, I enjoy the planning process of a family vacation.  The research that goes into it, knowing what your family will enjoy doing once you get there, and understanding when and how to book your trip to maximize your budget.

Flights into Charles de Gaulle are fairly easy to get and once you arrive, you can go almost anywhere from Paris.  Right now, I'm leaning towards another river cruise.  I love traveling in France and have seen several major cities, but never ventured north to Normandy.

As I look to see what the major river cruise lines offer, be part of my journey as I share lessoned learned and travel plans.

Happy Traveling!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

River boat cabins.....size matters

When deciding on the cruise you want to take, of course you're probably focused on where you're going.  Instead, we suggest looking at how new the boat is.  Why?  Because the newer (2013 - 2014) boats offer so much more for the money.

Remember, you're traveling to see new things, experience different cultures and try different foods.  Why not enjoy getting there?

On the new boats, they cannot have as many cabins on each level, because the cabin size is so much larger.  What does that mean for the consumer....comfort!  Not only will you have a bed, bathroom and TV, in the newer cabins you will get a desk, small sofa and space between the bed and windows facing the gorgeous view of the countryside.  It doesn't hurt to be able to walk from one side to another without your companion having to sit on the bed to let you pass.  Twenty eight square feet makes a BIG difference when you're in this cabin for 2 - 3 weeks.

You can see the desk on the left of the photo.

View facing the exit/door

Make sure you verify that your boat offers a club lounge.   It's a GREAT place to get free WI-FI access, juice, coffee and tea when ever you want to get away.  The lounge is surrounded by glass so you will enjoy the view while relaxing.

Next time, tips on how to pack efficiently for 2 weeks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

6 travel mistakes that I try to avoid!

I'm able to share this list, because I've made these mistakes over and over again!  Let me share a few tips that can make traveling easy and fun.  Yes, fun! Isn't that the point?

1.)  Always pack a bathing suit:  You just never know when you'll want it and it's the one item that's difficult for women to buy in a rush.  I can't tell you how many hotels I've been in and been surprised that they either have a sauna, jacuzzi or steam room and I didn't think to pack a bathing suit.  Nothing better than soaking your tired, achy feet after a long day of sightseeing.

2.)  Bring an empty water bottle:  Once you get through security, have Starbucks fill it up with filtered water.  If you ask, they cannot turn you down.  Also, most large airports offer filtered water fountains set up to refill bottled water containers.  Take advantage of it!  Not only will you drink it on a long flight, but you will have it for your first night in the hotel.

3.)  Be prepared for cold weather:  Just because you're going to a hot place, it may get cold.  I've been in Arizona before when the night was so cold, I had to run out and buy a sweater from Old Navy.   Pack layers of clothing, so you're prepared if it's unseasonably cold or hot.

4.)  Check the weather the night before you go: Weather changes all the time.  If you have the space in your carry on bag, bring a small umbrella.

5.)  Don't forget to pack an extra copy of your itinerary:  Have you ever seen a flight attendant tear your ticket in half?  I have!  What if that's your only copy?  What do you do on the flight home and you need that ticket number?  Print an extra copy and place it in your suitcase - just in case you need it.

6.)  Don't pack your car keys:  Always keep your car keys on you.  Have you ever put your car keys in your suitcase, only to find out that your luggage was delayed or went to the wrong city?  What do you do then?  

Just a few ideas that can make your vacation so much better and worry free.

Happy Traveling!

Monday, May 16, 2016

How to stay calm while traveling

Have you ever experienced travel rage?  When everything and everyone is driving you crazy and you can't see straight?  Here's a few tips that may help smooth out the rough edges.

Most of us are really good at packing and planning a trip, but we don't stop to think what we may need to keep us happy while we're away from home.  I suggest to write a list of when you're happiest.  What does that feel like?  What are those creature comforts that you just can't live without?

For me, it's the following areas that I know are important that I'm thinking of before I set off on any trip:

1.)  Packing - did I remember to pack light?  I try to keep everything to a carry on.  So, if I get to the airport and the lines are really long, I can go straight to security and bypass the check in lines.  

If I overpack, it's usually because I didn't give myself enough time to plan and edit my suitcase.  A sure fire way for me to start any trip off on the wrong foot, is poor planning. 

Another reason to stick with a carry on suitcase is that I can manage it myself.  No one will need to help me with the suitcase, I can easily move from city to city without hurting my neck or back.

2.)  Food - I always pack healthy snacks.  Period!  Not having healthy food to eat on long flights, unexpected delays, or low energy moments can make me get irritated and quick to start an argument.  Not a good thing when you want to have fun and avoid unnecessary stress with your travel companions.  

3.)  Stay hydrated - I also travel with an empty smart water bottle.  Easy to fill once I get through security and this water will last me - even on an international flight.

4.)  Sleep - know how much sleep you need and plan your flights accordingly.  I take the evening flights to Europe.  I know that once I get on the plane, I'll be able to sleep a good 5 - 6 hours.  When I arrive in Europe in the early morning hours, I'm ready to see the city and enjoy my vacation.  Others who didn't sleep on the flight are exhausted and stuck in a hotel lobby until check in that afternoon.  

Another thing that I do while traveling is to allow time to go back to the hotel to rest my feet and take a nap. It's not a race to see everything in one day.  Vacation is time for a little R&R too.  Make sure that you rest during the day.  Allow yourself time to regroup and continue that evening with dinner plans, walking to see the city at night or catching a play or musical. 

5.)  Lastly, know your trigger points.  Know what sets you off and do your best to try to prevent these issues.  Travel can test even the most calm people since there are so many factors outside of your control.  

Happy Traveling!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Is it safe to travel?

As I plan my next trip to Paris, friends seem to ask me the same question, "Is it safe to travel?"  I've traveled through some pretty interesting events and can tell you that even when you think it is safe, something came come up and surprise you.

A better question would be, "What will you do in case of an emergency?"
  • A great place to start researching is the website.  The U.S. government keeps this website updated with alerts that you should be aware of before traveling outside of the United States.
  • You can now enroll your trip.  Why?  In case family members need to reach you in case of an emergency, get travel alerts from the country you plan to visit, and let the Embassy know you're there in case you need them.
  • Use the STEP program:  S mart T raveler E nrollment P rogram
  • Check your travel documents before you leave on any trip.  Make a copy of your passports and leave them with a friend.  This is ALWAYS a good idea.  You never know when your passports could get lost or stolen, not to mention there's an emergency.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.  If you don't feel safe, listen to your inner voice and leave the restaurant, street, or venue. Just because you're on vacation, doesn't mean that you can let your guard down.  If you're feeling unsure, listen to yourself and change your surroundings.  It's better to be safe than have something happen that can change everything.

Remember, the tips that keep you safe where you're at home and they will probably be the same that the government recommends when you're traveling abroad.

Happy Traveling!

Monday, May 9, 2016

My must haves for quart size bag

Every woman who travels these days struggles with what items can she place in her quart size zip lock baggie and not feel like she left all of her favorites at home.  With all the traveling I did in 2014, I feel like I finally have it down to a science and want to share my must haves with you too.

Must haves for a weekend trip.
Shampoo - don't use the hotel "free stuff" as it will ruin your hair.  Go to your local department store and ask the beauty counter salesperson for samples of your favorite shampoo. If you're a regular customer, they will be happy to give them to you.  If they are not in stock, they can make you a sample - just the right size for travel.
My pick - Oribe:  They have dual sample packets with shampoo & conditioner.
Lotion - your skin has a tendency to get very dry with travel, not to mention the moisture zapping hotel soaps!
My pick - Jack Black's Epic Moisture MP 10 oil.  It's multifunctional and you can get sample packets.  I have found it to be a miracle oil, why?  It can be used as hair serum, body moisturizer, shaving oil, make up remover and cuticle oil.  A little goes a long way and it smells terrific!
 Sunscreen:  I look for one that is gentle enough for my face, but can always be used on my body.
My pick - Kate Somerville's sunscreen.  She has one that's made for your face, but I use it on my arms, neck and back.  It's NOT waterproof, so something to be mindful of if you plan to swim.
Hairspray - for this, we must all compromise and find a non-aerosol version since TSA will not let you travel with aerosols in your carry on bags.  So, I go to my local pharmacy and grab what cheap and available.

Hand cream - If you find the right hand cream, it can also used as a perfume.  Something that smells fresh, but not too sweet.
My pick - Molton Brown's Ylang-Ylang Hand Cream.  
Mascara - When traveling I try to find one that can work for all looks.  Most ladies use a couple of different mascara's, but when traveling you need to pick your favorite - you can't bring them all!

My pick - Mabelline's classic, but always waterproof and in black.  If you bring the Jack Black oil, mentioned earlier, it will remove waterproof makeup.

Lipgloss - My favorite is always Gorgio Armani's lipgloss.  I have atleast a dozen colors, so the tough decision is which one to bring.  That depends on the time of year.  Most trips I go with a high gloss and neutral shade of pale pink or beige.

Nail polish - No one has time for manicures on weekend trips, but travel can be rough on any manicure.  No matter how careful I am, by the time I get through security I've either chipped a nail or just the polish.  I've started traveling with just the polish for touch up's.
My pick - Chanel's nail polishes are my favorite.  I like the neutral shades to travel with: Ballarena, Allergoria or Secret.  You can do a quick touch up in a pinch and it will blend perfectly everytime and Chanel's nail polish brushes are small enough that you can get small areas.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jet lag?

If you like to fly to Paris, then you need to plan on how to handle the jet lag.  There's nothing worse then arriving in CDG and dying to get to your hotel only to sleep the 1st day away.  Don't do this!  You paid way too much money to get there and you want to enjoy yourself.  Here's a few of my best tips on how to fight the inevitable jet lag.

1.) Make sure your flight leaves the USA around 5 or 6 PM - maybe even later if you can get that flight.  Most of the flights arrive in Paris around 7 AM.  The evening flights are perfect because they will best match your normal sleep schedule.

The 1st thing the airlines will do is feed you dinner.  After you eat, sleep.  Try to sleep as long as you can, at least 6 hours of the 10 hour flight.

2.)  If you can sleep 5 - 6 hours, you will wake up in time for breakfast.  Try to eat a little something - it will re-boost your energy levels.

3.)  Bring a neck rest, blanket and eye shades of some type.  The neck rest will help keep you from slipping off the head rest.  Trust me!  It works, but spend a little more and go to Brookstone to buy a good one.

4.)  If you're a light sleeper you may need ear plugs too.  You can buy the inexpensive foam version from Walmart.  You'll get a small package of them and you can use them in the hotel in case you're located on a busy Parisian street.

5.)  Expect to drop off your bags at the hotel and go sight seeing.  All the hotels are more than willing to keep your bags safe.  Remember you paid too much just to arrive and sit.  Plus - it's only 8 AM by the time you make it from the airport to your hotel.  So go see the's gorgeous in the morning.  Most Europeans DO NOT rise early, so the city will feel like you're own until 10:30 AM or so.

Take a walking tour to see the famous statues or stroll along the city streets.  What ever you do, you'll have a great's Paris after all!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

You can have it all - packing tips

Every woman who regularly travels struggle with what items to place in her quart size zip lock baggie and not feel like she left all of her favorites at home.  With all the traveling I did this year, I feel like I finally have it down to a science and want to share my must haves with you too.

Must haves for a weekend trip:
Shampoo - don't use the hotel "free stuff" as it will ruin your hair.  Go to your local department store and ask the beauty counter salesperson for samples of your favorite shampoo. If you're a regular customer, they will be happy to give them to you.  If they are out of stock, they can make you a sample - just the right size for travel.

  • My pick - Oribe:  They have dual sample packets with shampoo & conditioner.
  • My pick - Jack Black's Epic Moisture MP 10 oil.  It's multi-functional and you can get sample packets.  I have found it to be a miracle oil, why?  It can be used as hair serum, body moisturizer, shaving oil, make up remover and cuticle oil.  A little goes a long way and it smells terrific!
  • My pick - Kate Somerville's sunscreen.  She has one that's made for your face, but I use it on my arms, neck and back.  It's NOT waterproof, so something to be mindful of if you plan to swim.
Hand cream - If you find the right hand cream, it can also used as a perfume.  Something that smells fresh, but not too sweet.
  • My pick - Molton Brown's Ylang-Ylang Hand Cream.  
  • My pick - Mabelline's classic, but always the waterproof version and in black.  If you bring the Jack Black oil, mentioned earlier, it will remove waterproof makeup.
Nail polish - No one has time for manicures on weekend trips, but travel can be rough on any manicure.  No matter how careful I am, by the time I get through security I've either chipped a nail or the polish is missing off one of the nails.  I've started traveling with just the polish for touch up's.
  • My pick - Chanel's nail polishes are my favorite.  I like the neutral shades to travel with: Ballerina, Allergoria or Secret.  You can do a quick touch up in a pinch and it will blend perfectly every time and Chanel's nail polish brushes are small enough that you can get small areas.
Lotion - your skin has a tendency to get very dry with travel, not to mention the moisture zapping hotel soaps!  

Sunscreen:  I look for one that is gentle enough for my face, but can also be used on my body.  

Hairspray - for this, we must all compromise and find a non-aerosol version since TSA will not let you travel with aerosols in your carry on bags.  So, I go to my local pharmacy and grab what's cheap and available. 

Mascara - When traveling I try to find one that can work for all looks.  Most ladies use a couple of different mascara's, but when traveling you need to pick your favorite - you can't bring them all!

Lipgloss - My favorite is always Gorgio Armani lipgloss.  I have atleast a dozen colors, so the tough decision is which one to bring.  That depends on the time of year.  Most trips I go with a high gloss and neutral shade of pale pink or beige.

That's it!  You should have space in that quartz size bag to add a few more items. Remember, before you pack it, ask yourself if you really need it and can it do more than one thing? 

Happy Traveling!  

Friday, May 6, 2016

When it comes to packing, is less really more?

What size suitcase should I bring?  The answer, "Less really is more".  Before you roll your eyes, please read why!

Most people who know me are surprised how little I bring on any trip.  It doesn't matter if I'm gone for 1 week or 2, I still use my 21" rolling soft sided suitcase.  

What brand to buy:  I mainly prefer Samsonite due to the material that they use on their soft sided suitcases.  It's easy to clean and water resistant.  Being a planner by nature, I try to think ahead of what "might" happen.  What if it rains and my suitcase sits outside for hours?  What if my suitcase gets stuck on the bottom of the pile and has those grease marks on it when I get it from baggage claim?  Samsonite is easy to wipe off and clean when the unexpected occurs.

Size of suitcase:   The soft sided suitcases (21") are great when you need to carry your luggage on to the plane.  You can push them into the overhead compartments where the hard shell versions will not.

They also allow you to have an outside zipper or pocket for magazines, important papers, tablet, medicine, snacks, and other items that you may want to get to without having to open your suitcase in front of everyone.

You may plan to check your suitcase, but being prepared to carry it on, is just smart traveling!  Now days, you never know what will occur when you arrive at check in.  I've been in Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris when the conveyor belts were broken and it took 4 hours for check in.  With a carry on, I just bypassed it all and moved on to security.  Have a plan B.

Style of suitcase:  Ever since they invented the 4 wheel rolling suitcases that are light weight, I scratch my head in disbelief when I see people struggling with either overweight luggage, 2 wheels or duffle bags.  Why?  Why would you chose to make traveling more difficult than it needs to be?  It should be fun!

The 4 wheel rolling 21" suitcases can be pushed or pulled with ease.  Why would I want to tweak my neck or back?

The style is up to you, I've seen the rolling garment bags work just as well.  Especially if you're packing suits or special event gowns (formal attire).

Color:  Does it really matter?  Just make sure it's labeled inside and outside in case it gets misplaced.  Most important tip that I learned the hard way?  When they ask me, "Your final destination?"  I make sure to check the luggage tag to see if it's going to my city before they deposit it on the conveyor belt.  Humans make mistakes, you should verify BEFORE they take your bag that it says the city you're traveling to.

What do I do if I didn't pack enough?:  I've never been on a trip where I couldn't buy another shirt, sweater or skirt because I needed one more clean item.  But once you get to your destination you are STUCK with the items you brought.  Don't overpack!  You will be much happier if you only have to worry about one bag.

Happy Traveling!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Best kept travel secret....shhhhh!

The one question that I get asked the most from women is; "how much stuff do I really pack for 2 weeks in Europe?"  It's funny because I love my stuff, but I've learned the hard way that less really is more when traveling abroad.  I'm now going to share my full proof way of packing for 2 - 3 weeks in Europe.  Trust me! I use the same list every year - everything will fit in 1 medium sized suitcase.

Before my 1st vacation to Europe I read every travel book out there.  They all seemed to be either geared to the outdoorsy gal or the fashionista who couldn't part with anything for more than a day.  I was bound and determined to make 1 suitcase work for me to limit the hassle and back pain of carrying too much stuff.  

Packing List:

1 scarf (you will use this as a pop of color, pillow on the airplane, bathing suit wrap, and blanket to sit on to have lunch in a park)
1 long boyfriend sweater (it will keep you warm and keep your dress from flying around if it's a windy day)
5 cotton skirts (cotton is important - you can clean a stain and freshen it up with a spray between wears)
6 short sleeve t-shirts
2 long sleeve t-shirts
1 nice sweater to dress up any outfit
2 black dresses (for dinner out)
minimal jewelry (1 watch, 1 - 2 pairs of earrings and 1 bracelet).
1 cross body purse
1 tote (you will use this on the plane and running around sight seeing-great catch all bag)
1 pair of flip flops (in case need to run around the hotel, you get blisters and need to give your feet a break and to fly with as my feet and ankles swell on those 10 hour flights)
1 wedge (it will work as your fancier pair of shoes)
1 pair of either flats or nice sandals (you cannot pack more than 3 pairs of shoes..they take up too much space and weigh too much)
1 pair of underwear for every day 
2 nightgowns (1 for each week)
1 pair of shorts and 3 tank tops for sitting around the hotel room
1 bathing suit - just in case the hotel has a hot tub
1 pair of sunglasses
1 small travel umbrella
just enough toiletries to get you there.  All our favorite products are most likely made in Europe so you can get everything you need from the local grocery store.  You will leave it at the end of your vacation so you have space for the gifts you purchased for friends & family.

*Hints & Tips*
1.)  Most hotels offer laundry service.  If you get to day 10 and you just have to get that black dress cleaned, it's worth the expense.
2.)  Don't bring your hairdryer.  Check on line to make sure your hotel supplies them.  Remember the outlets are different in Europe.
3.)  While flying - you may want to bring an empty water bottle.  You will be able to fill it once you're through security and reuse it multiple times during your trip.  It's good to have water on you at all times because most passengers sleep on those long flights and flight attendants may not be available.  Pack healthy snacks in your tote bag.  Remember, 7 - 10 hour flights can be draining.  Having a small healthy snack will give you energy and the ability to stay away from salt (peanuts, crackers and pretzels).
4.)  Don't forget to shop at the Duty Free store before your International flight.  Alcohol prices are crazy low!  They will deliver the alcohol to your plane and you'll be able to enjoy it the entire trip.